Mixed Media

Sytze Steenstra

Josh Moll





































I give workshops and teach courses in the domain of computer skills, and in the domain of personal development and skills. Over the years I have gained considerable teaching experience, both in regular education and in business.
I can teach all courses and workshops both in English and in Dutch. This includes a reader which has been tailored to the course.
Every workshop is made to fit the specific demands and knowledge of the participants.

Workshops information and computer use:

  • Handling academic texts: advanced level, especially for PhD-students and working scholars. Working with notes and cross-references in large documents such as dissertations and books.
  • Working with software (Excel, Word, EndNote, Access)

Workshops personal skills:

  • Sketching in work situations
  • What are my core strengths and pitfalls
  • How to make a SWOT-analysis(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • How to make a realistic step-by-step plan to get where you want to be
  • How to make a Personal Development Plan (PDP)
  • Creativity development 
Workshop 'The digital image in printmaking', University of Connecticut
before after

I have developed and taught courses at (among others) the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts, Professional Trainees, Philips, Maastricht University, University of Connecticut.