Mixed Media

Sytze Steenstra

Josh Moll

































Mixed Media: 1994

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Mixed Media: 2002

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Mixed Media: 2010

Mixed Media

Mixed Media v.o.f. is the company of Josh Moll and Sytze Steenstra. They work as independent partners, using each other’s expertise and experience when needed, often collaborating on projects. “Mixed Media” is the standard term for art works realized in diverse media and techniques.

JOSH MOLL — ing J.T. Moll BA

Josh works as coach since 2000 and since 1997 she teaches information analysis and computer skills. She also has work experience as a fine artist, a midwife to calving cows, a nurse, and as janitor/team leader in a therapeutic clinic for heavily addicted persons. The expression “jack-of-all-trades and master of none” can make her smile, as she knows herself to be many-sided and talented, and has the experience and the diplomas to back it up.

SYTZE STEENSTRA — dr. S.G. Steenstra

Sytze works as a writer, philosopher, editor, translator, and artist. He sometimes wonders whether he is the only one in the world who admires and writes about both the work of Theodor W. Adorno (philosopher, sociologist, essayist, composer, musicologist) and that of David Byrne (singer, writer, conceptual artist, filmmaker, photographer). He holds degrees in philosophy and sociology, and a laureate of the Jan van Eyck Academy.